


How Much Does Professional Photo Retouching Costs

Photo retouching involves a lot of processes that prepares any image ready for any kind of presentation. More than making it look presentable; it actually brings about many advantages when a photo undergoes photo retouching, like clipping path. Smoothening the skin and removing stray hairs in portrait photos, for example, makes the subject look more professional and is likely possible to get favoured than unedited photos.

While there are many individuals and companies that offer photo editing services, only a few credible ones are offering high end retouching. Many apps can also be installed, if you want to try making it a DIY project, that can be used for photo retouching. These, however, lack the precision and mastery that professional photo retouching offer.

How much does it cost?

photo editing services

Since the option of outsourcing for professional ghost mannequin has been introduced, many photographers are finding this solution to be convenient. After all, more time is freed when photo retouching of photos are delegated to somebody else. Perhaps the most common question about such service is how much will it cost a photographer to have photos undergo clipping path or other photo retouching services?

There are certain factors that can help determine the pricing for every photo retouching service. First factor to consider is the value of the professional’s skills. Anyone can go ahead and try editing photos but not everyone can do it with great precision and meticulousness. These skills are so valuable that it can command a higher price just because it is rare to have accurate results.

Next factor that can affect the pricing is the professional’s flexibility. Photo retouching services are sought by a lot of industries. Advertising, online shops, publishing, and many other kinds of businesses depend on high end retouching to get the kind of photos that they need for particular purposes. The editor should be flexible enough to edit the photos according to the client’s specifications. This is a key factor since it is natural to have different perspectives, especially when it comes to art. What looks good on the eye of the editor may not be what the client wants. It is essential to set aside personal preferences in favour of the client.

Another factor to look into is how the professional should be billed for? Is it by the hour or will it be great to have a flat rate for photo retouching? This will largely depend on the skill level of the professional and the demand for specific services. A fixed hourly rate should mean a more creative fulfilment is expected especially if the rate is more than decent. For example, a set of photo retouching should cost between $50-$150 USD per hour. This is reasonable enough, again, depending on the skill level and demand.

There are also professional photo editors who charge at a flat rate. Most clients demand to have a solid figure that fits well into their budget before proceeding with a contract. This is reasonable since they are trying to achieve peace of mind knowing that the provider will not be paid unless the project is done.

As for the professional, charging a flat rate for every project can be beneficial if it will take only a few hours to complete. This will allow more time to have other projects. It also gives the professional to have more freedom on how to effectively use his or her time. Taking a break from work is not a problem as long as the project deadline is not missed.



Determining how much photo retouching costs can be complicated in the sense that not all photo editing skills are the same. There are many factors to consider but it always boils down to the output quality and client satisfaction. Many photo retouching service providers can demand as high as $150 per hour or a higher bill for a whole project. They can do so simply because their work quality exceeds the expectations of the clients. What is important to remember is that the photo editing provider has the final say to choose between an hourly and a project basis billing. It is essential, however, that the professional can confidently back his choice up and that he or she can sufficiently point out why his or her services costs more or less than others.

Lastly, for the clients, take note that you sought a professional to do a job that you cannot, or do not have the time to do. Top notch photo editing skills is not cheap because you can benefit a lot from it.

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